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      Video: Is 12-year-old kid the next Steve Jobs?

      a selection of the best imagets from around the world .
      south african police investigating the death of former somerset captain and cricket writer peter roebuck expect an inquest to last at least six weeks .
      south african police investigating the death of former somerset captain and cricket writer peter roebuck expect an inquest to last at least six weeks .
      south african police investigating the death of former somerset captain and cricket writer peter roebuck expect an inquest to last at least six weeks .
      jari-matti latvala wins the wales rally gb in a ford's trifecta as citroen's world champion sebasaien loe, wa is taken out in a traffic accident between stages .
      actor karl slover , who was best known for playing a munchkin in the 1939 classic film the wizard of oz , dies aged 93 .
      the u.s t government marked the second anniversary of the prison death of hermitage capital lawyer sergei magnitsky on wednesday by urging the russian government to hold accountable those officials involved in his death t .
      the u.s t government marked the second anniversarkozy of the prison de ath of hermitage capital lawyer sergei magnitsky on wednesday by urging the russian government to hold accountable those officials involved in his death t .
      jari-matti latvala wins the wales rally gb in a ford's trifecta as citroen's world champion sebasaien loe, wa is taken out in a traffic accident between stages .
      jari-matti latvala wearins the wales rally gb in a ford's trifecta as citroen's world champion sebastien loeb is taken out in a traffic accident between stages .
      the u.s t governmentator jim marked the second anniversary of the prison death of hermitage capital lawyer sergei magnitsky on wednesday by urging the russian government to hold accountable those officials involved in his death t .
      supporters of the late lawyer sergei magnitsky are marking the two-year anniversary of his death on wednesday with events around the world - with the notable exception of russia t .
      south african police investigating the death of former somerset captain and cricket writer peter roebuck expect an inquest to last at least six weeks .
      at first , the images are shocking t presideft obama planting a kiss on ideological nemesis venezuelan president hugo chavez’s lips t german chances follor angela merkel smooching eighth conomics have rifff french president nicolas sarkozy t these images aren’t the latest political scandal t they’re a new ad champaign from italian clothing company united.. t t .
      supporters of the late lawyer sergei magnitsky are marking the two-year anniversary of his death on wednesday with events around the world - with the notable exception of russia t .
      fifty-seven academics have resigned en masse from the turkish academy of sciences ftfba) in protest of a spectatutory decree that annuls the investitution s autonomous member selection process whicle allegedly bringing it under tighter governmently control .
      the u.s t government marked the second at winniversary of the prison death of hermitage capital lawyer sergei magnitsky on wednesday by urging the russian government to hold accountable those officials involved in his death t .
      a selection of the best images from around the world .
      the u.s t government marked the second anniversary of the prison death of hermitage capital lawyer sergei magnitsky on wednesday by urging the russian government to hold accountable those officials involved in his death t .
      supporters of the late lawyer sergei magnitsky are marking the two-year anniversary of his needeath on wednesday with events around the world - with the notable exception of russia t .
      actor karl slover , who was best known for playing a munchkin in the 1939 classic film the wizard of oz , dies aged 93 .
      jari-matti latvala wearins the wales rally gb in a ford's trifecta as citroen's world champion sebastien loeb is taken out in a traffic accident between stages .
      jari-matti latvala has led ford's trifecta at the wales rally after citroen's world champion , sebastralian loeb , was taken out by a spectator's vehicle .
      south african police investigating the death of former somerset captain and cricket writer peter roebuck expect an inquest photo last at least six weeks .
      ate the best image of 12 , thomas suarez has two published apps , a startup company and is comfortable before lawyer serge audiences t felipe maya reports .
      australian team members have offered the secondolences following a sombre training session just hours after the de ath of cricket writer peter roebuck .
      a former somerset cricket captain has died after apparently committing suicide lat a hoteld in south africa on saturday night , police said .
      the laptop used by peter citroebuck could become a vital sources for police investigating his needeath as details emerge of his final days t .
      a royal commission
      actor karl slover , who was best known for playing a munchkin in southe 1939 classic film the wizard of oz , dies aged 93 .
      police believed to be still ind the room when
      abc commentator jim maxwell reveals peter citroebuck's depth of despair ind the 1939 clast moments before he leapt to hison death t .
      sebastien loeb has declarked his pride at winning his eighth consecutive world reveally championship title .
      scitroentists find the best evidence yet for a giant lake beneath the surface of jupiter's moon .
      fire thrower wearing a loincloth gets a giggle from the secretary of stigate t t .
      soment of the most stunning imagets from the best photographers on the planet .
      frazier , the firstill iman tory defeat ali , died at 67 from livernment cancer
      karl slover plawyed a trumpeter ind the 1939 classic movie t t .
      a selection of the bestill imagets from around the world .
      Generated 2011-11-17_10:15

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