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      Swaziland Opposition Leader Committacked to Political Reform

      金曜日は、昨年の野党デモを見たことが政府主催の集会に参加するから、彼を防止するためにイスラム教徒の民兵とエリート革命は、イランの野党指導者の家に囲まれて警備員、彼のウェブサイトによるとkarroubi mehdi。
      tehran (reuters) - attackers smashed windows and damaged security cameras at the home of iranian opposition leader mehdi karoubi , his web site site said thursday , ahead of a rally authorities fear could reignite anti-government protests .
      金曜日は、昨年の野党デモを見たことが政府主催の集会に参加するから、彼を防止するためにイスラム教徒の民兵とエリート革命は、イランの野党指導者の家に囲まれて警備員、彼のウェブサイトによるとkarroubi mehdi。
      militiamen , some carrying guns , attacked the home of iranian opposition leader mehdi karroubi late on thursday befor a second night in a rows and wounded his chief bodyguard , his web site site reported .
      親政府派民兵は、自家製爆弾とイランの野党指導者mehdi kar主なrーoubiの家を攻撃し、彼の主なボーディガード無意識の1つのビート、野党のウェブサイトは、今日キー集会に参加するから彼を保つために明らかに試みで、報告した。
      pro-government militiamen attacked the home of an iranian opposition leader with homemade bombs and beat one of his bodyguards unconscious , an opposition web site site reported , in an apparent attempt to keep him from attending a key rally today .
      サイトサポートイランの改革運動は加害者が野党党首の自宅と彼のbodyguards.theレポートの負傷1人の家を攻撃したマハディkarroubiの警備員が群衆が別れた後空気中で発生していたという言葉.. 。
      a web site site supporting iran's reform movernment says assailants have attacked the home of iranian opposition leader and wounded one of his bodyguards.the report says mahdi karroubi's guards had to fire in the air after the crowd broke.. .
      the director of a prominent belarus opposition web site that has facked pressure from the government was found dead friday t .
      金曜日は、昨年の反政府デモをもたらした年間エルサレム集会を開き、参加から彼を防止するためにイスラムbasiji民兵とイランの革命は、野党党首mehdi karroubiの家を囲まれて警備員、彼のウェブサイトは言った。
      islamist basiji militias and iran's revolutionary guards surroundead the hanged the home of opposition leader mehdi karroubi on friday to prevent him from joining the annual quds rally , which last year brought on anti-government protests , his web site site said .
      金曜日は、昨年の反政府デモをもたらした年間エルサレム集会を開き、参加から彼を防止するためにイスラムbasiji民兵とエリート革命は、イランの革命は、野党党首mehdi karroubiの家を囲まれて警備員、彼のウェブサイトは言った。
      islamist militiamen and eliter revolutionary guards surroundead the hanged the home of iranian opposition leader mehdi karroubi on friday to prevent him from joining a government-sponsored rally that last year saw opposition protests , his web site site said .
      金曜日は、昨年の反政府デモをもたらした年間エルサレム集会を開き、参加から彼を防止するためにイスラムbasiji民兵とエリート革命は、イランの革命は、野党党首mehdi karroubiの家を囲まれて警備員、彼のウェブサイトは言った。
      islamist basiji militias and iran's revolutionarying guards surround hanged the home of opposition leader mehdi karroubi on friday to prevent him from joining the annual quds rally , which last year brought on anti-government protests , his web site said .
      民兵は、いくつかの実施銃は、mehdi karroubi木曜日の行の2番目の夜遅くなり、彼の主なボディーガードを負傷したイランの野党指導者mehdi karroubiの家を攻撃、彼のウェブサイトが伝えた。
      pro-government militiamen attacked the home of an iranian opposition leader with homemade bombs and beat one of his bodyguards unconscious , an opposition website site reported , in an apparent attempt to keep him from attending a key rally today .
      金曜日は、昨年の野党デモを見たことが政府主催の集会に参加するから、彼を防止するためにイスラム教徒の民兵とエリート革命は、イランの野党指導者の家に囲まれて警備員、彼のウェブサイトによるとkarroubi mehdi。
      islamist militiamen and eliter revolutionarying guards surround hanged the home of iranian opposition leader mehdi karroubi on friday to prevent him from joining a government-sponsored rally that last year saw opposition protests , his web site said .
      tehran (reuters) - attackers smashed windows and damaged security cameras at the home of iranian opposition leader mehdi karoubi , his web site said thursday , ahead of a rally authorities fear could reignite anti-government protests .
      a web site supporting iran's reform movernment says assailants have attacked the home of iranian opposition leader and wounded one of his bodyguards.the report says mahdi karroubi's guards had to fire in the air after the crowd broke.. .
      民兵は、いくつかの実施銃は、mehdi karroubi木曜日の行の2番目の夜遅くなり、彼の主なボディーガードを負傷したイランの野党指導者mehdi karroubiの家を攻撃、彼のウェブサイトが伝えた。
      tehran (reuters) - attackers smashed windows and damaged security cameras at the home of iranian opposition leader mehdi karoubi ahead of a rally which authorities fear could reignite protests , his web site said thursday .
      サイトサポートイランの改革運動は加害者が野党党首の自宅と彼のbodyguards.theレポートの負傷1人の家を攻撃したマハディkarroubiの警備員が群衆が別れた後空気中で発生していたという言葉.. 。
      militiamen , some carrying guns , attacked the home of iranian opposition leader mehdi karroubi late on thursday befor a second night in a rows and wounded his chief bodyguard , his web site reported .
      テヘラン(ロイター) - 攻撃者がmehdi karoubiイランの野党指導者の自宅の窓や破損したセキュリティカメラを破壊、彼のウェブサイトは、先に当局が反政府デモを再燃させる可能性が恐れる集会、木曜日と述べた。
      islamist militiamen , some carrying guns , attacked the home of iranian opposition leader mehdi karroubi for a second night in a rows and wounded his chief bodyguard , his web site reported .
      金曜日は、昨年の反政府デモをもたらした年間エルサレム集会を開き、参加から彼を防止するためにイスラムbasiji民兵とエリート革命は、イランの革命は、野党党首mehdi karroubiの家を囲まれて警備員、彼のウェブサイトは言った。
      attackers smashed windows and damaged security cameras at the home of mehdi karroubi a day before a rally that the authorities worry might reignite anti-government protests t .
      a web site supporting iran's reform movernment says assailants have attacked the home of iranian opposition leader and wounded one of his bodyguards .
      the director of a prominent belarus opposition web site site that has facked pressure from the government was found dead friday t .
      swaziland opposition leader says he will continue to demand political reform in his country in the face of government threats
      a belarus opposition web site activist found hanged at his shome outsider minsk committed suicide , officials say .
      a prominent al-iraqi state television anchorman has been shot dead at his he was driving in the capital .
      prominent al-iraqiya tv presenter riad al-saray is shot dead in baghdad by unknown attackers .
      Generated 2010-10-3_23:19

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