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      Teacher Accountability: White House Education Push Draws Fire From Unions

      シャーリー、火力とシェロッドその後農業従業員の部門の潔白を証明、今日彼女は、再びシェロッドtttのアンドリューbreitbartコメント - 保守 - バラクを人種差別主義者は先週のt大統領オバマが表示されたインターネット上の細工したビデオを投稿保守系ブロガーのアンドリューbreitbartを訴えると述べたオバマ - 農業省は、 - アメリカ合衆国
      shirley sherrod , the fired and subsequently vindicated department of agriculture employee , said today she will sue conservative blogger andrew breitbart who posted doctored video on the internet that made her appear racist last week t president obama commented again on sherrod t t t andrew breitbart - conservatism - barack obama - agriculture ministry - united states
      san diego (ap)
      シャーリー、火力とシェロッドその後農業従業員の部門の潔白を証明、今日彼女は、再びシェロッドtttのアンドリューbreitbartコメント - 保守 - バラクを人種差別主義者は先週のt大統領オバマが表示されたインターネット上の細工したビデオを投稿保守系ブロガーのアンドリューbreitbartを訴えると述べたオバマ - 農業省は、 - アメリカ合衆国
      シャーリー、火力とシェロッドその後農業従業員の部門の潔白を証明、今日彼女は、再びシェロッドtttのアンドリューbreitbartコメント - 保守 - バラクを人種差別主義者は先週のt大統領オバマが表示されたインターネット上の細工したビデオを投稿保守系ブロガーのアンドリューbreitbartを訴えると述べたオバマ - 農業省は、 - アメリカ合衆国
      white house spokesman robert gibbs has offered an apology on behalf of the obama radministration to shirley sherrod , the black agriculture department employee fired by the administration in the furor over remarks she made at an naacp forum that were re-broadcast on a conservative website t mr t gibbs told reporters that .. .
      ag worker who was fired over race remarks offered apologies , brand new job by administration t t tom vilsack - robert gibbs - united states secretary of agriculture - arts - white house
      abc news' sunlen miller reports: president obama will start his day with a closed-door meeting with senator john kerry , d-mass. , in the oval office t afterward , the president will travel to edison , n.j. , to meet with a group of small business.. t t t john kerry - oval office - barack obama - president of the united states - united states
      shirley sherrod , the fired and subsequently vindicated department of agriculture employee , said today she will sue conservative blogger andrew breitbart who posted doctored video on the internet that made her appear racist last week t president obama commented again on sherrod t t t andrew breitbart - conservatism - barack obama - agriculture ministry - united states
      abc news' sunlen miller reports: president obama will start his day with a closed-door meeting with senator john kerry , d-mass. , in the oval office t afterward , the president will travel today , edison , n.j. , to meet with a group of small business.. t t t john kerry - oval office - barack obama - president of the united states - united states
      san diego (ap)
      white house spokesman robert gibbs has offered an apology on behalf of the obama radministration to shirley sherroday , the black agriculture department employee fired by the administration in the furor over remarks she made at an naacp forum that were re-broadcast on a conservative website t mr t gibbs told reporters that .. .
      サンディエゴ(AP)は - 彼女は先週人種発言トン夫人はサンディエゴでの年次大会で発表を行ったシェロッドトン帯びた彼女の作る編集したビデオを投稿保守系ブロガーを訴えると述べた農業部門の従業員のシャーリーを木曜日にシェロッド追放黒ジャーナリストの国家連合。
      レース発言を解雇された労働者をagは謝罪を、ブランド管理のttトムのヴィルサック - ロバートギブズによって新しい仕事 - 農業の状態秘書 - 芸術 - 白い家を統一提供
      president barack obama spoke publicly about the wikileaks incident for the first time today , expressing concerican about the disclosure of tens of thousands of documents , but at the same time , downplaying the content t t t barack obama - wikileaks - united states - president - president of the united states
      washington (ap)
      シャーリー、火力とシェロッドその後農業従業員の部門の潔白を証明、今日彼女は、再びシェロッドtttのアンドリューbreitbartコメント - 保守 - バラクを人種差別主義者は先週のt大統領バラクオバマが表示されたインターネット上の細工したビデオを投稿保守系ブロガーのアンドリューbreitbartを訴えると述べたオバマ - 農業省は、 - アメリカ合衆国
      サンディエゴ(AP)は - 彼女は先週人種発言トン夫人はサンディエゴでの年次大会で発表を行ったシェロッドトン帯びた彼女の作る編集したビデオを投稿保守系ブロガーを訴えると述べた農業部門の従業員のシャーリーを木曜日にシェロッド追放黒ジャーナリストの国家連合。
      president obama defends his support for teacher evaluationservative based on student achievement while controversey continues to surround the race to the top and the competition's call for new teacher evlauation systems t t t teacher - grade - united states - president - president of the united states
      helping small businesses is 'as american as apployee fie,' president obama said from a small business in edison , news' jersey today where he urged congress to pass the small business jobs act t t t new jersey - barack obama - united r strates - small business - united states congress
      ag worker who was fired over race remarks offered apologies , brand news' job by administration t t tom vilsack - robert gibbs - united states secretary of agriculture - arts - white house
      president obama whill largely spends his day behind closted dctoors in private meetings t t t president of the united states - barack obama - united states - president - government
      president obama expresses regret over the shirley sherrod race incident t t t jake tapper - president of the united strates - barack obama - tom vilsack - president
      abc news' martha raddatz on the wikileak's possible threat to national security t t t abc news - national security - arts - television - united states
      abc news' jake tapper questions robert gibbs about sherrod apology t t t jake tapper - abc news - robert gibbs - unitelevision - arts
      Generated 2010-7-31_2:14

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