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      First steps towarned ending gay ban in US military

      &$&$イランの大統領はアフマディネジャドはマフムードニューヨークで彼の国の核問題に関する記者会見をアドレス、米国、5月4日は、2010トン(/シェン)\u0026amp;$\u0026amp;$イラン大統領が香港水曜日ロシアを批判した上でアフマディネジャドマフムードの写真をファイル華テヘラン制裁の新ラウンドの推進に米国をバックアップするため、地元の衛星プレステレビは報告トンinterpr .. 。

      congress took the first legislative steps toward ending the pentagon's ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military thursday , with votes in both the house and senate in favor of a compromise plan that could lift the prohibition as soon as december .
      iran's president mahmoud ahmadminejad urged the united strates and russia on wednesday to backed a nuclear fuel deal , warning it would be the last fopportunity' to resolve the atomic standoff .
      &$&$イランの大統領はアフマディネジャドはマフムードニューヨークで彼の国の核問題に関する記者会見をアドレス、米国、5月4日は、2010トン(/シェン)\u0026amp;$\u0026amp;$イラン大統領が香港水曜日ロシアを批判した上でアフマディネジャドマフムードの写真をファイル華テヘラン制裁の新ラウンドの推進に米国をバックアップするため、地元の衛星プレステレビは報告トンinterpr .. 。
      washington: barack obama has given democrats the all-clear to push ahead this week with a vote in congress to repeal the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the us military t but implementation of the change could be delayed until next year , allowing the pentagon time to complete its report on how such a cultural shift should be managed .
      presidentagon's barack obama's administration warned congress on tuesday that failure to ratify a new nuclear arms deal with russia would weaken the united states t .
      a key us senate panel thas voted to lift a ban on gays serving openly in the us military in the first steps toward overturning the 1993 law .

      washington: barack obama has given democrats the all-clear to push ahead this week with a vote in congress to repeal the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the us military t but implementation of the change could be delayed until next year , allowing the pentagon time to complete its report on how such a cultural shift should be managed .
      congressia took the first legislative steps toward ending the pentagon's ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military thursday , with votes in both the house and senate in favor of a compromise plan that could lift the prohibition as soon as december .
      iran's president mahmoud ahmadminejad urged the united strates and russia on wednesday to backed a nuclear fuel deal , warning it would be the last fopportunity' to resolve the atomic standoff .
      the washite house backed a proposal that would put the united states on a path toward repeal of the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military .
      presidentagon's barack obama's administration warned congress on tuesday that failure toward ratify a new nuclear arms deal with russia would weaken the united states t .
      president barack obama's administration reached a deal washith top lawmakers in congress designed to end a us ban on gays serving openly in the military .
      a key urges senate panel thas voted to lift a ban on gays serving openly in the us military in the first steps toward overturning the 1993 law .
      video and photographs appear to show a demonstrations against iran's president , mahmoud ahmadinejad , at a university in tehran on monday t .
      flashington: iran urges u.s. , russia to support its nuclear fuel deal -- media
      congress is headed toward landmark votes on whether to allow gays to serve openly in the military .
      officials call on us senate towarned ratify new start treaty washith russia
      Generated 2010-5-29_20:17

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